nevermind fraser. So many seem hostile on this forum... or it might just be fraser=|
Anyhow if you look long enough you should be able to find some servers you can join. People often join my server and go "omg! it actually connected!". A patch is in the works, and even if that patch wont fix that problem I'm sure there will be more patches.
And the biggest mod in wc3 is free too. People have been whining about tiny bugs about the release of it. Making hate threads and what not. Now that mod is highly likely to join all the big gaming competitions like CPL and WCG as a professional competetive game.
Mostly one man made that mod too, or one at a time at least (first eul's, then guinsoo, then the current mod worker icefrog).
The number of people playing WC3 is increasing by the day due to people buying WC3 just to play the mod. I'm starting to wonder if there are more people playing that mod now than there is people playing other maps and normal WC3 ladder.
The name of this mod is Defense of the Ancients (DotA).
So yes, don't hate the community for being impatient, it lies in our nature. Still to this day I try to explain noobs in DotA that it isnt imbalanced when they get owned up and down. It's written all over the fucking internet how incredibly balanced DotA is. It's been balanced since version 1.0.... it's up in 6.35b now, Whatever imbalances are still left and acknowlegded by the pros in the community are only small and are often worked on and fixed.
Now DotA was created with a big help from it's community, even the pointless little rants. Hero ideas have mainly been taken out from the community. All sorts of people making hero ideas. Many thousand hero suggestions have been ignored, and a few have been taken into the game and the modder has gone through hell trying to balance them each time. Each time the community, maybe especially the elite, is furious over the early imbalance.
Each day i play that game i hear whining about "imba" and "abuse", it's still the most played mod for wc3 and i think it's the second most played mod in the world. You can almost expect 'the better the mod the more the whining'
Now I dont think Alex and the rest of the modder squad should dedicate their lives to KF, just get used to whining, and the whining I've seen so far isnt kiddy whining either. I havent read one "omfg this mod sux crapz ass omglol its so fucking buggedlolololol" yet and I'm rather surprised at that.
The man reinstalled UT for playing this mod and it didnt work, of course he has the rights to be disappointed. He then writes what the problem is and wishes for it to be fixed. Of course no fucking modder in the world has made a free mod 'promising' the community it to be bugless and have perfectly balanced gameplay. Most mods are far less bugless than KF2 but also KF2 is far better than most mods (I'm having a hard time judging this or DotA the best mod of all time). Maybe people expected it to be bugfree due to it's awesome looks? mmmmmmyes
I hope the bugs get fixed, and I have made at least one spam "Omgfixthisbugplxz" post myself.
Now, no advertisement would be complete without a link to the official dota site!
www.dota-allstars.comAnd fraser: You can tell other people to use the search button when you use spell check button.